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Swinging Saved Our Marriage Page 10

  Kyra couldn’t imagine. She didn’t know what she would done in Ami’s place, especially if some letch was constantly hitting on her.

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you use old pictures if you’re going to meet, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.”

  “I’d like to be charitable and think they were just delusional instead of thinking they were lying,” Rob said. “We were out of there as quickly as he could manage.”

  “I’m glad you’re not disappointed with us then,” Ethan chuckled.

  “Not at all, but keep your hands to yourself…for now,” Ami said.

  “But what about you guys? Are you happy with what you see? We’re all adults here, we can admit that looks matter here, at least a little bit,” Rob said.

  Ethan glanced over at Ami and tried not to focus on the scoop neck of her black top when he said, “I know I’m cool. Kyra?”

  Kyra thought Rob was even more handsome than in his pictures. His dark hair was a little longer and she really liked the way his goatee framed his lips. He filled out the sport coat he wore over his shirt nicely, suggesting he was in just as good shape as in his pictures. And Ami was definitely more beautiful than in her pictures. Her smile was even more seductive in person and her figure looked great. Ami was in all black, a snug top that showed a little cleavage, and a tight skirt that fell an inch or so above her knee. Her spiked heels made her almost as tall as Kyra, who was wearing more modest heels. When Kyra saw Ethan’s immediate interest in Ami she was excited rather than jealous.

  “You guys look really great,” Kyra said, meeting Rob’s deep brown eyes.

  “Right back at ya,” Rob said.

  The pager flashed and vibrated on the table, signaling the dining room was ready for them. The hostess showed them to their table and they sat boy-girl, boy-girl around the smallish table. Dinner talk was about the mundane things of life and they got along like they’d known each other for years. As Kyra indulged in the red wine she felt more and more relaxed, but she was careful not to get drunk. She had so many questions. All the times they’d spoken on the phone, they had not talked about swinging much, aside from Rob sharing a vague story or two. They just spent the time getting to know each other. Kyra held her questions at dinner, though. The tables in the restaurant were close enough together for eavesdropping. When the check arrived, Rob and Ethan spent some time tussling over it before agreeing to split it down the middle.

  At the bar they took a small table toward the back of the room, which would give them some privacy. The band was setting up on a small stage in the corner. Kyra waited until their drinks arrived, but she could not hold back her questions any longer.

  “So how does this usually work?” she asked.

  “That’s direct. I like it,” Rob laughed. “But what do you mean?”

  “Honey,” Ethan chided his wife.

  “That’s okay, really,” Ami said. “Rob and I were actually pretty surprised you guys haven’t been more inquisitive. You guys must have a thousand questions.”

  “We don’t want to come off like lame newbies,” Ethan said.

  “Not at all. You can only learn so much from reading on websites. And a lot of that stuff is bullshit.”

  “I’m sorry to tell you, Kyra, but I don’t know if there is a usual, everyone is different. And every experience is different. Rob and I just like to meet people and see what happens. Sometimes we have a great evening and there’s no spark, and sometimes it’s like, wow, right off the bat and everyone’s ripping each other’s clothes off by the end of the night. I think a lot of it depends on what you want out of the experience. I know you guys said you weren’t sure how far you wanted to go, that you really are exploring.”

  “Which is totally cool,” Rob added.

  “Like we said on the phone, we have these fantasies, but who knows if it’s a good idea to try and live them out,” Kyra said.

  “It’s good to be cautious. You always have to put your relationship first,” Ami said.

  “So you guys never get jealous?” Ethan asked.

  “I had a little of that at first,” Ami confessed. “When we met other couples I always shot them down if I thought the woman was prettier than me. It took us like six months to do more than just have dinner with other couples.”

  “No one is prettier than you, dear,” Rob said, kissing his wife.

  “Thanks, but I know you lie.” Ami playfully punched him in the arm. “It’s really about trust and wanting to have a good time. I finally realized that I had to decide if I was really ready to play around with other people or if I was just flirting with the idea. I knew Rob really wanted to try it and I love and trust him, so I finally just let go. When I was ready we met the right couple and after a couple dates things progressed.”

  “And it was crazy! You would have never thought Ami was the shy one. She was all over that guy. His name was Joel. When I watched her with him I couldn’t believe that was my bride!”

  “And you were totally cool with that?” Ethan asked.

  “Oh yeah, totally. It was great seeing her let go like that. I’ve never thought I had to worry about Ami running off with someone.”

  “You guys just went right for it? You didn’t work your way into it?” Kyra asked.

  “We flirted around it for so long that we were more than ready and we knew we wanted to go all the way. Everyone moves at their own pace. Some couples are just really into the watching aspect, and that’s cool too. You know we don't go all the way a lot of the time, which would frustrate some people.”

  “Rob and I sort of like to meet new couples. Sometimes couples that have been in the Lifestyle too long seemed jaded, almost like their marriage is too loose, if that makes any sense. Rob and I always want to keep our marriage at the core. That’s why we don’t go on dates without each other, like some people do. And we only go all the way with couples we really hit it off with.”

  “I get that. I know I’m not ready to watch Kyra go off into another room with some guy.”

  “Yeah, and I want to see Ethan and I want him to see me, if we ever go that far.”

  “You never know where you’ll go,” Rob said.

  The band started playing soon after that, making conversation difficult. Rob suggested that dancing would be a good place to start, and asked Ethan if he minded. Ethan had no problem and Rob took Kyra for a spin on the dance floor. Ethan stayed at the table with Ami and watched as Rob took his wife away.

  Kyra was never much of a dancer, but Rob was a natural and set her at ease right away. His arm was around her, but he did not hold her inappropriately close. Still, it felt good to be in his arms and she enjoyed giving herself over to him as he guided her. She couldn’t help wondering how he would measure up to the old axiom that a man who could dance was equally good in bed. When the band played a slower song, she moved in closer, putting a hand on his chest, which was solid underneath his soft blue shirt.

  “You’re very pretty,” he said, lips close to her ear. “Your pictures don’t do you justice.”

  “You haven’t seen me without my clothes yet,” she flirted, instantly turning red as she wondered if she had gone too far. Did I really say yet?

  “I don’t think I will be disappointed. Everything feels nice,” Rob said, pulling her tighter against him and giving her butt a little squeeze.

  Kyra tightened and tingled down below as all sorts of possibilities raced through her mind. She wondered what Ethan thought as he watched them dance.

  Ethan was keeping an eye on them, and noticed Rob’s hand drift to Kyra’s ass, but he didn’t really mind. Actually, he felt a shiver of excitement seeing his wife in another man’s arms, even if it was just harmless dancing. How would he feel when it was something more? He did not dwell on it, though, because he was engrossed in conversation with Ami, who was more effervescent in person, one-on-one, than she had been on the telephone. Because of the loud music they had to sit very close and after making a point sh
e rested her hand on his thigh.

  “You and Kyra are pretty cool. We’d love to have you guys out to the house some time. We could have a game night.” Ami stopped and treated him with her bubbly laugh, adding, “Not that kind of game night. I meant Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit.”

  “I don’t know. Pictionary can get pretty dirty if you do it right.”

  “The dirtier the better,” Ami grinned. “You guys don’t seem very nervous.”

  “No, I’m not. I thought I would be, but there’s really no pressure. I’m glad we met you guys first. Sounds like some of your encounters have been horrific.”

  “It can be pretty strange, but Rob and I just laugh about it. We don’t meet too many couples either. We like to keep things to a small group of friends.”

  “I’ve wondered about that. Is it like dating another couple, or do people go out and hook up with a lot of different couples.”

  “It all depends on what you like. Rob and I really like to get to know and trust people, but there are definitely couples out there who are serial swingers. You see that more in the clubs. We don’t go there much.”

  “That must be a crazy scene.”

  “Maybe you and Kyra will go someday.” Ami edged her hand higher on his thigh, making his cock stir. “But hopefully you guys will see us again first.”

  After a few songs, Rob and Kyra returned to the table and they had a couple more rounds of drinks before Ethan said he thought they should call it a night. He blamed the babysitter, but he really just couldn’t wait to get Kyra out of there to talk about what she was feeling. Kyra was a bit disappointed. She enjoyed Rob and Ami’s company and was ready to close the place down. She was especially hoping for around round on the dance floor with their handsome new friend. Ethan was sitting very close to Ami when they came back and Kyra thought her husband was getting along with Ami just as well as Kyra got on with Rob.

  It really did feel like a date when Rob and Ami insisted on walking back to their minivan with them. When Rob went to embrace her and kiss her cheek, Kyra impulsively turned to meet his lips with hers. It did not go far, but it was more than just a friendly peck. Ami followed her lead and favored Ethan with a sexy kiss when they embraced. Rob and Ami turned and left for their car, saying they hoped to see Kyra and Rob again soon.

  "So that was interesting," Ethan said as soon as they were both in the minivan.

  "Yeah, it was different from what I expected."

  "How so?"

  "I know this was just to meet and get to know each other, but I did kind of think something might happen. Especially after we started talking. There seemed to be this current between us, I don't know exactly how to describe it."

  "Like we were on a date?” Ethan suggested.

  "Exactly! I felt like I was on a date. I really wanted to impress them and I had that butterfly feeling in my stomach the whole time. I forgot how exciting that is."

  Kyra leaned over and grabbed Ethan, kissing him. She liked watching him kiss Ami and tried to copy their kiss.

  "It is pretty hot, but I knew I wasn't going to get lucky at the end of the night. I don't miss that pressure."

  "Are you so sure about that?” Kyra smiled and ran her hand up the inside of his pant leg, feeling him getting hard already.

  "Well, not like I did on a date, back in the day. I was kind of hoping when we got home..."

  "I'm not sure I want to wait that long.” She kissed him again, this time with plenty of tongue and he cupped her breast through her snug knit top. She looked good, but seeing how Ami was dressed she wished she'd pushed the envelope further, but there was always next time.

  "You want to do it right here?” Ethan looked around and didn't see anyone, but that didn't mean no one was going to come along. The parking lot was well lit.

  "Didn't you end any dates with sex in the back of a car?"

  She giggled and squeezed between the front seats, putting her butt, highlighted by her tight gray skirt, right in his face.

  "Sure, but..."

  "Get back here."

  Ethan had a harder time getting between the seats, but he didn't waste any time getting back to his wife. The middle seat was occupied by two child seats and cluttered with toys, so Kyra took his hand and pulled him back to the third seat. He came down on top of her as they kissed, his hand sliding up her smooth leg and pulling her skirt up. She fumbled with the buttons on his shirt while he slipped his hand between her legs, finding her panties soaking wet. She moaned loudly as he massaged her mound and lightly bit the side of his neck.

  Rubbing her pussy with three fingers, he was surprised by how turned on she was already. She must have really had a good time tonight. Would she have gone further if Rob and Ami had asked?

  "You're so hot, baby. You really liked tonight."

  "It was so exciting," she breathed, rubbing his bare chest and then pushing her hand into his pants. She gripped his shaft through his boxers. "I could tell they wanted to fool around with us."

  "And you liked that?"

  "Yesss...didn't it turn you on? I saw the way you looked at Ami."

  "It did. Ami had her hand on my leg while you were up dancing with her husband."

  "And you wanted her to touch this...” She gripped his cock harder.

  "Yes," he breathed. His prick was throbbing. For a second he pretended it was Ami playing with him.

  "That would have been hot, if she played with you at the table. Ohh...Ethan...” Kyra moaned. He was rubbing her harder, almost pushing her panties into her cunt.

  "I saw Rob's hands on you. You liked it, didn't you?"

  "Yes, baby. It was hot, I could tell he wanted more. Did it turn you on?"

  "Yeah..." Ethan confessed.

  "When he grabbed my ass and pulled me into him I could feel he was hard. I know he wanted to fuck me. Ahhh!”

  Ethan moved her panties to the side and pushed his finger inside her.

  "You wanted him to fuck you, didn't you?” He fingered her harder.

  "Yes...I wanted it...I wanted you to watch me..."

  "That turns you on..."

  "Yesss...I want you there..."

  "You want me to fuck Ami?"

  "Yesss...fuck her right in front of me...ohhhh Ethan...ohhhh..."

  Kyra came, banging her head back against the armrest. Her pussy gushed and squeezed tightly around his finger. The fantasy was so vivid in her mind and for a second it was like she couldn't breathe. She pushed Ethan off of her and sat up, trying to clear her head. Looking out the back window she saw a couple passing by, unaware they were in the minivan. What if the windows weren't tinted? She wondered. What if they could see us? Would they stop and watch?

  Attacking Ethan's pants, she pulled them down and then bent over and took him in her mouth, swabbing the salty precum from the head with her tongue. He was already fully hard, so she only sucked him for a few moments. Kyra hiked up her skirt and pulled her panties down.

  "Fuck me. Right here.” She demanded.

  She banged her head on the roof when she rose up to straddle Ethan and she laughed. He held his cock, laughing with her, but that cut right off when she dropped down onto his shaft, taking him fully inside her in motion. He gripped her ass and moaned while she gyrated on top of him, squeezing his cock inside her as she moved. He slid his hands upward, pulling her top up and over her head. Her lace-trimmed black bra pushed her breasts up and he buried his face in them. He was not thinking about Ami now. His wife was the sexiest woman in the world. He could think of no one else. He kissed and sucked on her breasts, trying to burrow down into her cleavage.

  "Oh God! Oh God, Ethan!"

  Kyra started moving, quickly building speed as she bounced up and down on his impaling cock. It filled and stretched her, hitting all those itches that so desperately needed to be scratched.

  "Oh honey! Oh God, fuck me!"

  The minivan was rocking and out the back window she saw someone walking through the parking lot stop and look. Can he see us? D
oes he at least see our silhouette? She wanted to think he could. The stranger kept walking and Kyra closed her eyes, thinking about what it would be like to coming across two people having sex, Ethan and Ami. She imagined watching Ami riding Ethan while she peeked through the window, touching herself. She wanted to see Ethan make Ami cum. That was all she needed and in seconds she was cumming again, her cries ear splitting in the minivan.

  Ethan held her hips, slamming her up and down on him, not even caring that she banged her head over and over on the soft roof of the minivan. As soon as he felt her cunt cumming around him he lost it too, pulling her down hard on top of him as his jizz jetted inside her. Kyra sagged when her climaxed ended, draping herself across him.

  "I love you so much, baby," Kyra gasped.

  "I love you too. I love you too."

  They still had to get the kids, so eventually they pulled themselves together and fixed their clothes. The night left little doubt they would be seeing Rob and Ami again.


  “We’re going to have so much fun,” Ami said to Kyra.

  They were enjoying a cool breeze off the river as they walked along it during their lunch break. After weeks of torrential rains it seemed that everyone had flocked to the river on the first day the sun made an appearance and the women mingled with the noontime crowd. While talking they discovered they worked close to each other in the city and Ami insisted they had lunch together.

  “Ethan and I are looking forward to it.”

  “Rob and I were hoping you would want to go out again, and it seemed like we hit it off but you never can tell. Sometime people just get cold feet when they try and go for it.”

  “Cold feet was not a problem for us, trust me.” Kyra leaned in closer, like she was sharing a secret. “We were all over each other after you guys left. We didn’t even make it home.” She popped the straw of her iced coffee into her mouth.

  “You guys are horny devils. I’m jealous that you waited for us to leave,” Ami laughed.

  “I don’t know if we’re ready for that yet, but we’ll see how things go.”